Aspect Ratios

aspect ratio calculator

Powerful aspect ratio calculator!

Aspect ratio calculator, calculate the sizes of your photos or videos, for example 16:9 aspect ratio.

All aspect ratios in one place

With this calculator you can quickly and easily calculate any type of aspect ratio, saving time and effort! If you need to change the size of an image to a specific aspect ratio, this tool will help you a lot.

This tool helps you to make photos and videos in the correct proportion for any type of use. Be it videos for the cinema for example, or publish on your social networks, professional and school works, this will help you.

With our tool, you can calculate the aspect ratio for your images. Prevent your photo or video from being in the wrong proportion. With that you will have your video or photo valued, for sure.

aspect ratio calculator
aspect ratio calculator

Social networks aspect ratios

Every photo or video that you post on your social networks needs to be in the correct aspect ratio. This is the most important thing, so that people see your photos with maximum quality.

It has proportions that are difficult to calculate, but with our tool everything is easier!For example, a 4:5 ratio means 4 parts width and 5 parts height.  Our tool lets you choose how many pixels you need in length and it tells you how many pixels you have to use in height.See how simple it is?

All social networks certainly  have their own way of posting photos and videos. Be it Youtube, Twitter, instagram or Facebook, for example, it has its own proportions of images and videos. If you post an image or video in the wrong proportion, the image may therefore be defective.

When you post the images and videos in the correct proportion, they become more beautiful and consequently attract more and more people. Social networks look for the best content to stand out, and respecting proportion is a big part of that process.