Aspect Ratios

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Contact usWe are always looking to improve our calculator tool therefore your opinion is very important to us. If you have any questions or suggestions, for example functionality that we don’t yet have, certainly we will be happy to work to make this tool more complete and useful.

Fill out the form and certainly we will respond as soon as possible!

In short our form is the easiest way to suggest updates to our calculation tool. The tool is made for you, consequently we are always listening to you. For example, if you need a type of ratio that we don’t have yet let us know that we will try to implement it.

You can use our calculator for free, as many times as you need, in other words it is and will always be free.

All sites and social networks that accept the sending of photos and videos require that they are in the correct proportion. However rest assured that with our aspect ratio calculator you will get it certainly.

There are other calculating sites, but ours is undoubtedly the most complete and easy to use. Most importantly with several calculation options for you.

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For example, do you know that instagram, twitter, facebook and youtube has a specific proportion for photos and videos?

After that it is important that you adjust your photos and videos in the correct aspect ratio, consequently you will have better results, certainly!

And the aspect ratio calculator can be used to calculate any aspect ratio. Many jobs, like architecture for example, need to work with exact proportions. With our calculator any proportion calculation will be much simpler and easier.

In conclusion, through our website you can make various proportion calculations, in a simple, easy and totally free!